Sculptures in the Park
Art in the Park Artists
These are the photo numbers, titles and artists’ names and country if not USA that are still on the grounds. (P indicates permanent collection) The numbers are for the listing on the Site Map, which is currently being updated.
“Life Cycle of a Butterfly," etched Plexiglass panels, Myrna Orsini, P
2. “The Butterfly Tree,” Myrna Orsini, painted stainless steel, (WA) POR
3. “The Portal,” Myrna Orsini, painted steel, (WA) entrance gate
4. “Hektor’s shield,” Myrna Orsini, basalt/steel, (WA) P
5. “Hush Little Baby,” Georg Schmerholz, marble, (BC) P
6. Interactive Magnet Art, Myrna Orsini, P
7. “Jacob’s Coat,” Doug Neil, limestone, (New Zealand) $5000
8. “Dancing of Washington,” Elizabeth Juan, sandstone, (Austria) P
9. “Mountain Dreaming,” Madeleine Weiner, Yule marble, (CO) P
10. “Waiting In Silence,” Vladas Kanciauskas, stainless steel/limestone, Lithuania, P
11. “Triangle,” Myrna Orsini, powder coated steel, (WA) POR
12. “Configuration,” Gualtiero Mocenni, limestone (Italy) $1200
13. “Earth Disc,” Stacie Smith, stainless steel, (OR) $500
14. “Dogon,” Myrna Orsini, limestone/stainless steel, (WA) P
15. “Conflict,” Irene Hewins, limestone/copper, (France/US) POR
16. “Noah,” Vasily Fedorouk, granite, (Ukraine) P
17. “Infinity” Vasily Fedorouk, cedar, (Ukraine) P
18. “Transfiguration,” Myrna Orsini, marble, (WA) POR
19. “Grandsire Triples,” Benbow Bullock, painted steel, (CA) P
20. “Essence,” Vasily Fedorouk, cedar, (Ukraine) P
21. “Weiser,” Mike Hollern, painted steel, (MT) $1200=
22. “Monument To Mass Production,” Ross Brown, marble/steel (WA) $7800
23. “Bareboned,” Tomas Oliva, marble (Cuba) P
24. “Beginning of Life,” Ivan Bulavitsky, marble (Ukraine) P
25. “To The Beyond,” Myrna Orsini, steel/mixed media (WA) P
26. “Dinnertime,” Rich Baker, soapstone (WA) $800
27. “Harvest,” Beverly Penn, steel/copper/sod (TX) P
28. “Gaia,” Ruth Muessller, soapstone (WA) P
29. “Mount Hood,” Jesse Swickard, steel, (OR) POR
30. “Moby,” Rich Baker, marble (WA) $1250
31. “Kern Street Circus,” LeAnn Powers, 1998-99 Emerging Artist (WA) P
32. “Last Nike,” Gualtiero Mocenni, limestone (Italy) P
33. “Dragonfly Kinetic,” artist unknown, P
34. “The Family,” Myrna Orsini, wood, (WA) P
35. Untitled, Phillip Glise, steel, (GA), POR
36. “The Three Graces,” Myrna Orsini, concrete, (WA) P
37. “Sunset Pier,” Steve Hussey, steel, (WA) P
38. “Untitled, Phillip Glise, steel, (GA) POR
39. “Contorted Rectangle,” Myrna Orsini, painted steel, (WA) POR
40. “Butterfly,” Rainier Blacksmith, powder coated steel, (WA) P
41. “The Ancient Pier,” James Ritchie, granite/wood (Scotland) P
42. “Balance,” Kevin Crigger, painted steel, (WA) POR
43. Untitled, Darin Montgomery, steel (CO) $500
44. “House,” David Neagle, m/m (WA) P
45. “Future Past,” Brian Kennedy, Professional Resident Artist 1999 (Ireland) P
46. “Northwest Mandala,” Gary Hammer, painted steel, (WA) P
47. “The Sound Garden, Myrna Orsini, powder coated steel (WA) P
48. “Pick Up Sticks,” Myrna Orsini, pained steel, (WA) P
49. “Gentle Rain Fountain,” Steve Hussey,steel and water (WA) $4500
50. “Kaitlyn,” Myrna Orsini, bronze, (WA) P
51. “Giraffe,” Children’s Summer Art Camp, 1999 P
52. “Tlingit Chorus,” Pat Musick, cedar/limestone, Professional Resident Artist 2001 (AK) P
53. “The Fantasy Garden, Myrna Orsini, m/m (WA) P
54. “Homage To Miro,” Myrna Orsini, painted stainless steel, (WA) P
55. “Post Industrial Waste and Recovery Cells,” Justin Hahn m/m (WA) POR
56. “Blue Agave,” Benbow bullock, painted metal, (CA) P
57. “Coco Rex and Chip,” Andersen Studio, ceramic (WA) $2000
58. “Northwest Mandala,” Shawn Marie Johnson, steel, (WA) POR
59. “Row, Row/ Row,” Gary Hammer, painted steel (WA) $2000
60. “Head,” Mylan Rakich, steel (OR) $4300
61. “White Angel,” Chuck Iffland, marble with oxide (WA) $3500
62. “Tribute to Calder,” Myrna Orsini, painted stainless steel, (WA) P
63. “Wind Buoy,” Michael Oppenheimer, steel (WA) POR
64. “Kaleidoscope,” Cheryl Rhodes, mural, (WA) P
65. “Balance,” Michael Kmiotex, steel (WI) $3000
66. “Past Time” Myrna Orsini, installation m/m (WA) P
67. “Earth Plates VI and VII,” Mark Stevenson iron plate (WA) $7000
68. Untitled wall piece, Tom Yody, m/m Professional Resident Artist 2007 (OR) P
69. “Freezing Man,” David Sederburg, painted steel (WA) P
70. “Velocipede,” Myrna Orsini, painted steel (WA) P
71. “Butterfly Net installation,” P. Wannamaker, mm (CA) POR
72. “Croquet Set,” Myrna Orsini, mm (WA) P
73. “Cuboidal Pyramoidal Yodytron,” Bill Wilson, steel (WA) POR
74. “Bear Tracks,” David Nechak, mm (WA) POR
75. “Esprit,” Jesse Swickard, steel, (OR) POR
76. “ Wayfarer,” Gretchen Adele Armstrong, yellow cedar (WA) POR
77. “Themis,” Maria Wickwire ceramic (OR) P
78. “Lauris’ Chair,” Tamsie Ringler, cast cement (OR) $4000
79. Stoneware door surround by Peter King, (FL) P
80. “Fantasy Creatures,” Gina Newman, painted wood (WA) P
81. “Cassandra,” Gretchen Adele Armstrong, red cedar (WA) POR
82. “Seven Suns,” Cheryl Rhodes, ceramic mm mural (WA) POR
83. “Skookumchuck,” Bill Wilson, steel, (WA) POR
84. “No Man Is An Island,” Kevin Crigger, steel/wood (WA) P
85. “Enigma,” Michael Kmiotex, steel, (WI) $4000
86. “ Homage to Calder,” Myrna Orsini, painted stainless steel (WA) P
87. “The Rainbow,” Dr. Sheila Adams, powder coated copper (CA) POR
88. “Untitled from the Balance Series, Valdis Zarins, stainless steel (WA) $7200
89. “The Forgotten Ones,” Chuck Iffland, mm (WA) POR
90. “Continuum,” Lance Carlton, steel, (WA) POR
91. “Laughing Until,” Pat Haase, ceramic figure, (WA) POR
92. “Connections,” Shirley Erickson, steel/glass (WA) $3000
93. “Recycled,” Myrna Orsini, powder coated steel, (WA) P
94. “Short Picnic,” Dennis Peacock, steel (WA) POR
95. “Camellia” Margo Westfall, steel wall piece (WA) POR
96. 3 steel garden flowers, Margo Westfall, steel (WA) POR
97. 3 metal and glass garden flowers, Margo Westfall (WA) POR
98. 2 steel garden pods, Margo Westfall (WA) POR
99. “Under the Sea,” Myrna Orsini, 3 framed Plexiglas sandblasted panels , (WA) P
100. Bird Houses, P
101. “Three Little Pigs: Porker, Pork Chop, Petunia and B.B. Wolf” ceramic, Myrna Orsini, P
102. “Bethlehem,” Bill Wilson, painted steel (WA) POR
103. “Torsion,” painted steel, Myrna Orsini, WA. P
104. “Solar Flare,” painted steel tribute to Louise Nevelson, Myrna Orsini and Kevin Crigger, WA, P
105. “Swivel,” steel, Myrna Orsini, WA, P
106. “Bell Tower,” brass, wood, aluminum, Myrna Orsini, WA, P
107. “The Dwelling,” ceramic stilo, Myrna Orsini, WA, P
108. “Elephant, Horse, and Pig benches,” concrete and glass mosaic, Myrna Orsini, WA. P
109. "Containment" ceramic, mixed media, John Brooks, P
110. "Stilo: Topsy Turvy" ceramic, Lois Beck, P
111. "Busy Beaver," ceramic, Myrna Orsini, P
112. "Summer Blooms," powder coated steelm Kevin Crigger, P
113. "The Artiste: a Minion," painted steel, Kevin Crigger, P
114. "What's In Your Pocket?" m/m, Deb Mitchem, P
115. "Hoop the Loop," m/m, Myrna Orsini, P
116. "The Flower Bed," m/m, Myrna Orsini, P
117. "Swamp Flowers," powder coated steel, Myrna Orsini, P
118. "Dancers," powder coated steel, Margo Westfall, POR
119. "Cascadia" landscape floral installation, John Brooks, P
120. "Rumbly in my Tumbly" mixed media, wood, ceramic, Myrna Orsini, John Brooks, 2020, WA, P
121. "Metatron Cubed" metal, Alex Sierient, 2019, WA, P
122. “Ming Tree” m/m, ceramic, Myrna Orsini, WA, P
123. “A Seat at the Table” mosaic installation, Myrna Orsini, WA, P
124. “Epochal” m/m, painting, doorways, Myrna Orsini, WA, P
125. “A Space for Us” ceramic rainbow installation, John Brooks, WA, P
126. “A Delicate Balance” powder coated steel, Myrna Orsini, WA,
127. “Communal Butterflies” community made clay butterflies organized by John Brooks, WA
128. “The Problem with Plastic” m/m, wood, plexiglass, recycled plastic, Myrna Orsini, WA
129. “Cherry Blossoms” m/m, ceramic, Myrna Orsini, WA
130. “Ceramic Tower Village” ceramic, steel, m/m, Cheryl Rhodes
131. “Butterfly Antennae Tiles” community made tile project organized by John Brooks, WA
132. “Concrete Specimen” m/m, steel, ceramic, concrete, epoxy, Luke Armitstead, WA
133. “Jacks” steel, Myrna Orsini, WA
134-153. "Stewart O. Luckman Collection" steel, Stewart O. Luckman, WA
154. "Centrifugal" steel, Myrna Orsini, Kevin Crigger, WA, P